Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Guess What..

    SO it's Official Tyler and I are expecting baby number 2! We are very excited! I am only about ten weeks along and with Sophia I waited a few more weeks to tell everyone but I am really sick. With Sophia I was just as sick and holed up inside  my house till I felt better then told people when I was ready. This time around I have really needed help taking care of Sophia so people have found out a lot sooner than last time.

     That being said I need to give a big shout out and huge THANK YOU! to all my family and friends and wonderful ward for the love and support. I am one of those lucky pregnant women who is sick all day long. The doctor put me on Zofran, a nausea medication for cancer patients. Just to give you an idea of how sick I am, even on that med I have still lost ten pounds in the last two weeks. The Medication helps a lot with the throwing up but I am still really nauseous all the time, feel weak (mostly cause I don't eat much), and get migraines (a side effect of the meds). I have also had  really bad joint pain with this pregnancy, which is new to me. I get it in my arms, from my shoulders down to my fingers, it hurts so bad someday's that I can't even hold a glass of water. I was worried this was a bad side effect of the medication but the doctor said it wasn't and that it tends to happen to women who are pregnant because of the extra fluids in your body, they gather around your joints like arthritis.

     I am lucky to have family so close. My sister and my mother took Sophia for 4 days and gave me a break!    My mother in law came a took Sophia for the week so I could relax! Sara brought me a bunch of movies to keep me entertained. Hanna has been so good at volunteering to watch Sophia for me, go grocery shopping, and checking in on me every few days to see if I need anything, and I have an amazing ward who has brought us dinners, and friends and ladies in the ward who volunteer to take Sophia for play dates. To top it all off my wonderful husband who is at my beck and call everyday, attempts to clean the house, fills prescriptions, eats frozen dinners cause I don't cook, and puts up with my non happy attitude all day. I amazingly blessed to have great family and friends in my life! To all of you I am so GRATEFUL! You have all been truly amazing!

     I am supposed to be 10.5 weeks today. I had my first doctors appointment today. The nurse was so sweet to me she almost made me feel better! She made my day! I must look pretty bad cause the moment she saw me in the waiting room she was like "You don't feel good do you?" ha ha needless to say an 8:30am doctors appointment is not ideal for me but oh well. The doctor was very nice and tried to listen for the heartbeat and couldn't find it. He wanted to just do an Ultra sound the problem was we weren't in the main office and they didn't have any nice ones out there, so he pulled out this super old ultrasound machine and we could see the baby but not very well. The machine didn't zoom in and my uterus is tilted back which made it harder to see. He also said according to that ultrasound machine I was only 8 weeks. So they scheduled me for another ultra sound at the main office with the nice machines on the 9th. They will give me an official due date then.  Other than that everything else looks good.

     I hope this doesn't sound like a ranting post or that I am ungrateful. We are very grateful and very excited about this pregnancy!! We couldn't be more thrilled! I am very excited for Sophia to have a sibling and it helps every time I see her I think I get another one of those in like 7 months! I can't wait! I think about this baby all day, how it's doing in there, whether it's another girl or a boy, if it will look like this little girl (who looks just like daddy) or if this baby will look like me? We can't wait! Plus to top it all off this baby will be just four months younger than Sara's! How fun to have cousin's so close together, I have a couple cousin's that are just a few months younger/older than me and we were great friends growing up! It will be so fun!

     What do you think? Will the next one look like this silly girl? Sorry that turned into a novel!




  1. CONGRATULATIONS! This is so exciting Annelise! I am sorry you are so sick. That would be very hard. No, it you are not ranting or being ungrateful in the least! I'm glad you have so many wonderful people around you to take care of you and Sophia!

  2. Yay, yay, yay! I really am so excited for you guys. And if all goes well for us, we'll be having one just a month or so later. :) I'm sorry you have been so sick. It sounds miserable. I wish I had known so I could have helped out with Sophia too. Well...if you still do need help, I'm sure she and Owen would have a great time. But that is amazing you've had so much help. What a blessing! No worries about bookclub. We'll miss you, but look forward to you joining next month. :)
