Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nickel cade

     So one of my new goals is to really be good at family nights on Mondays. Sophia is old enough that we should be doing it every week! Because of Tyler's OAT prep class he doesn't get home till almost 7 Monday nights and Sophia's bedtime is 8, but we try. Tyler had these free passes for nickel cade that he got from one of his classes and they were about to expire so we decided to use them for family night. This was one of our more fancy family nights. Sometimes we just go for a walk to the park, sometimes we get a redbox, sometimes we just go for a drive. As long as we just spend time together I call it good.
     We were unsure of how Sophia would like the nickel cade. We were a little worried there wouldn't be games for her but with a little help from dad she did great and loved it!! All the change we used for the games we already had in a jar and after we went and got slushes at sonic. Total cost for family night $3 (and that's a fancy one ha ha)!

She loved this carousel. She probably road it like 7 times! 

Knocking down lizards with daddy.

Riding motorcycles! Look at her face in these pics! ha ha so cute, she had a blast!

If you look really close between Tyler and Sophia you can see a little blue purse. That was Sophia's prize that we bought with all the tickets we worked so hard to get. It's blue and sparkly. She loves it!



  1. Looks like a fun night! Maybe we should try taking Owen since you were able to find so much for Sophia to enjoy. :)

  2. It was really fun I think Owen would love it!And bonus we had fun too!
