Friday, November 30, 2012

Optometry School

     That's right it's the loaded question we have been asked all four years of our marriage. Where are we going to optometry school? Well I am here to tell you we have finally made a decision! Drum roll please......

      I am so excited to tell you all we are going to Southern California College of Optometry! We are moving to Southern California!! We are very excited!

     It was a long hard decision. My amazing husband worked hard all summer got an amazing score on his OAT and Got to interview at every school he applied to. Not only that but he got accepted to every single school too! He is an amazing man, and how lucky are we to get to choose where we want to go!

     Then we had to decide. It was a serious tie between Southern Cali and Oregon. We really wanted to go to both places. We were leaning towards Oregon but we just couldn't commit. We loved the idea of something different and the small town it was in but once we sat down and really talked and listened we couldn't ignore the promptings from the spirit. We knew we were supposed to be in California. The minute we said it out loud we knew it was the right choice and we were so relieved.

     We couldn't be more excited for our new adventure! Tyler graduates in April then we are hoping to get jobs out in Ely for the summer and save every penny we make. School starts the 19th but we have to be there by the 16th for Orientation. So the beginning of August we are hoping to move in and get settled.

     It's weird to think we only have 5 short months left in Provo. We will miss our wonderful friends we have here and our family that lives so close. It is time to move forward though and our kids will love California. I can't wait to take Sophia to Disneyland and to the beach! She is in love with Minnie mouse and the first thing she does outside and get in the dirt. California will be heaven to her!

     I was going to wait till our Christmas cards go out because the news is on those too but I couldn't hold it in anymore so don't be surprised when you read it twice ha ha.



  1. WOW!!! How exciting! Congrats! You guys will love I am sure you are already super excited about it! I am so excited to hear about all of your adventures there! Any ideas for afterwards? Do you think you'll go back to Ely?

  2. How exciting! We'll have to come visit! We were just saying that it would be fun to go back to Disneyland with my family so we should plan that sometime when you guys are there when Mia is a little older to enjoy it too :)

  3. thats so exciting! i totally know how you feel about leaving provo in a bit! we are going out to colorado at the end of december for adams job... weird.
