3. Graphic art. I recently made a word collage for Tyler's graduation announcement and it turned out so good! So I decided to test my hand at some cute graphic art to hang in Joel's room.
4. Recover shoes. This one intimidates me but I have such a cute idea for it. I can't wait finally try this. I just need to go find the right material. I am fully prepared for this one being an epic fail, let's hope not though. I would love a new pair of shoes.
5. Naan. Tyler and I love love Indian food! There are 2 places here in Provo that are so delicious. We would go all the time if we had the money ha ha. SO I want to learn to make this delicious Indian bread recipe called Naan and maybe a curry recipe while I am at it?
6. Dresser redo. Joel and Sophia have these Ikea dresser's I got for cheap when they both were born. I have been wanting to pep them up for awhile and was planning on it soon. SO this gives me six weeks to get them done and looking awesome for their rooms! I hoping to do both. We shall see.
Alright folks that's my line up. I am excited and a little intimidated by it but mostly excited! Tyler just laughed when I told him my plan. He is so good at putting up with my craftiness. You guys should join the party! I would love to see all your projects you have in mind! A project a week, totally doable!
Fun! I am excited to see the results!